Holiday here This Year. An Australian Tourism campaign. This post is also about Trike and Harley rides, Sydney Australia.
with Troll Tours – Harley and trike tours.

Holiday Here This Year

The Holiday Here This Year campaign encourages Australians to support tourism operators around the country. You can do this by booking and planning a domestic holiday. The ‘Holiday Here This Year’ platform launched in January. It’s the first significant domestic marketing push since 2013 in response to the bushfires.

Get out and explore Australia

But a couple of months after Tourism Australia first asked locals to ‘Holiday Here This Year’, the pandemic’s impact hit. It closed not just international, but domestic borders. Any kind of travel was rendered not only risky, but forbidden.

Australia’s tourism industry is suffering through an incredibly challenging period. Australian businesses needs support more than ever. While international borders remain closed, domestic tourism will lead the recovery.

There’s never been a better – or more important – time to get out and explore Australia. Specifically Sydney (for us). Troll Tours is a company that is based in Sydney NSW, Australia. We have felt the effects of COVID19. Like almost every company and business in the world. Like everyone, it hit us by surprise. The world will never be the same again.

Things are picking up

Things are picking up and in Australia the virus is not doing nearly as much damage as overseas. This is for a few reasons. We are a wonderful island so it is easier to police. Our politicians went in and went hard. Yes, it’s hard for so many people especially those in Victoria. But, we are finally seeing success. The numbers of infection are under control. Slowly the borders between states in Australia are opening up.

Troll Tours is open for business. Things are starting to look up. We are COVID safe (blog coming) so there is no reason to not have some fun. Feel the Freedom!

Father’s Day in Australia and New Zealand is different to the rest of the world.

There is no real reason why!

There is no definitive explanation why Father’s Day is celebrated in Australia and New Zealand on the first Sunday in September, though it is clear that the custom of the September date began in the mid 1930s.

maximise its commercial value

An article in the Western Herald in 1964 said the day was officially designated as the first Sunday in September across the Commonwealth in 1964 and that the date was chosen for commercial reasons to distance it from other celebrations. This is similar to the date selected in Scandinavia, where November was also chosen to maximise its commercial value.

Father’s Day is a celebration that honours the role of fathers and forefathers. It is a modern holiday, though the ancient Romans did have a tradition of honouring fathers, every February, but only those who had deceased.


One thing is for sure, it is a day to celebrate your relationship with the best males in your life. Whether it be your dad, grandfather, uncle, son or a good friend, it’s day of celebration and remembering how they have had such a positive influence on you and your life.

Father’s Day present

The question is, what do you give your favourite male(s)? How do you show them you love them? Well of course, you can tell them but, if you aren’t good with words a present certainly shows them. Troll Tours provides an experience he won’t forget. Buy a Harley Davidson or trike tour for him and if you are feeling adventurous, go with him. We promise you will both have a fun time. This year in 2020, we have another special offer. This time it is “buy a one hour tour and get half an hour for free”. A saving of $20 per person.

Ring or email us and we can either book a ride with you or email you a Gift Voucher in time for Father’s Day!

Sydney Harbour – 8 interesting things you should know! A report by the Sydney Institute of Marine Science, reveals some very interesting secrets lying in Sydney Harbour.

One Sydharb

1: One Sydharb is an official Australian unit of measurement. It is used to measure volume and is equivalent to 500 gigalitres. Incredibly, this is the volume of water in Sydney Harbour.

The beautiful Sydney Harbour – One Sydharb is an official Australian unit of measurement.

2: Sydney Harbour is also known as Port Jackson. It is 19 km long with an area of 55 km². A source of confusion has been the definition of “Sydney Harbour”. The estuary (see point 4) does not have one official name; instead, there are five formally defined parts, of which Sydney Harbour is one. All five together are sometimes called greater Sydney Harbour, while the combined parts of Sydney Harbour, North Harbour and Middle Harbour are collectively known as Port Jackson.


3: Over 586 species of fish are found in Sydney Harbour. This is more than you would find off the coast of the United Kingdom. During summer, recreational fishers caught an estimated 74,000 tonnes of fish. Interestingly, the NSW Government has a recommended maximum intake. No fish or crustaceans caught west of the Sydney Harbour Bridge should be eaten. Release your catch. For fish caught east of the Sydney Harbour Bridge, generally no more than 150 grams per month should be consumed. Interestingly, I read interviews with locals who live on Sydney Harbour. Many people catch and eat more than the guidelines with no adverse effects. Sydney Harbour is getting cleaner by the year.

A Dusky Flathead, one of many species of fish found in Sydney Harbour.

drowned river estuary

4: Amazingly, the harbour is a drowned river estuary. It was carved out of the sandstone about 29 million years ago. About 17,000 years ago, the sea level rose flooding the river and creating the harbour. As a result, we have the beautiful Harbour we all know and love. The Sydney Harbour Estuary comprises Port Jackson and its major tributaries – Parramatta River, Lane Cove River and Middle Harbour.

Looking across Sydney Harbour to the city. This is one view Troll Tours takes our passengers to see.

5: 20,000 boats (approximately) are registered in the harbour, which is about 52 boats per square kilometre.

swimmable beaches

6: There are over 20 swimmable beaches nestled in the harbour. 77km of the original 322km of shoreline has been reclaimed.

The famous Bondi Beach. ©Tourism Australia

Sydney’s Bridges

7: Five bridges cross the harbour: the Sydney Harbour Bridge, the ANZAC Bridge, the Gladesville Bridge, the Ryde Bridge, and the Silverwater Bridge. However, on our 3 Bridges ride we take you over 3 of these bridges. Also included are a couple of minor bridges. Most Sydneysiders don’t know these minor bridges. All bridges have spectacular views!

The ANZAC Bridge and the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Two of the bridges we ride over on the 3 Bridges ride.
©Tourism Australia

A secret reef

8: An unpublished NSW government report, reportedly, has mapped a secret reef in the harbour. Also, marine scientists have been examining the little known coral reefs of Sydney to try and understand more about coral survival. Mangroves are often known as ‘nurseries of the sea’ for the role they play in supporting small fish and other marine creatures.

Mangroves are an extremely important part of Sydney’s waterways.
Source: UNESCO

In conclusion, we hope you have enjoyed this blog, Sydney Harbour – 8 interesting things you should know!
With thanks to

Us, COVID19 and Point to Point – Book Now! What can we say about this relationship?


COVID19 – the virus – Coronavirus or as Troll calls it – Coniverus, has certainly changed our lives. Probably forever. We decided to close down for 2 months though we could actually have stayed open. Troll Tours runs under the NSW Government Point to Point system. This means social distancing is not applicable. As long as we follow the hygiene practices, as outlined by the Government, we are able to provide our tours.

Troll Tours is now fully operational with all our tours. We follow the NSW Government rules on COVID19, for Harleys and trikes. Hygiene has always been a big deal for us so this really is nothing new.

Point to Point

From 1 February 2018, all point to point transport service providers (Troll Tours, taxis etc) need to pay a temporary $1 Passenger Service Levy on all trips (including taxi, hire car and rideshare) taken in NSW. Apparently this is to help people like mums and dads and retirees who have put their lifetime savings into the taxi industry and are now doing it tough. The levy is funding an industry adjustment assistance package of up to $250 million.

Basically, Uber, Olacabs etc have made a huge indent into the taxi industry. This means the taxi licences are not worth as much as they used to be. NSW Government data in 2017 shows Sydney licences in February were worth, on average, $200,000, down from $406,000 in October 2012.

taxi licences

This has now crashed from $115,500 (average for August 2018) to around $70,000 in June 2019 and a little more in July 2019. We can hardly believe it but we do believe it is true. We really do appreciate how hard it is for the taxi licence owners. The thing is, we don’t understand what it has to do with us. However, it is what it is so we have to put up and pay up.

The NSW government website says, “Service providers can absorb the cost of the levy or pass the levy on to the passengers. If the levy is passed on, GST is payable and $1.10 will be added to your fare. The levy may affect the cost of your trip – you can check whether the levy is being passed on with your driver or service provider before your trip commences or when you make your booking.”

However, we at Troll Tours, don’t pass the levy on to our passengers. We absorb as many costs as we can. Our reward is our passengers loving our tours! ??? Reviewing and writing about your ride is our reward!

Us, COVID19 and Point to Point – Book Now! Yes, it is a weird combination but it doesn’t stop us giving you the Ride of your Life! Contact us now or 0410 46 47 40 for the Adventure of a Lifetime!

Our Harley riders clean their Harleys before every ride. They will also provide hand sanitiser.

Happy Mother’s Day to all the different types of mums in our lives!

To all the mothers, grandmothers, godmothers, stepmothers, mothers-in-law, and women who love with a mother’s heart. ?

Photo credit: Tourism Australia

Happy Mother's Day from near the Sydney Opera House
Happy Mother’s Day from near the Sydney Opera House

ANZAC BRIDGE SYDNEY – in memory of ANZACS is on the 25 April every year.

The Anzac spirit

The Anzac spirit is all about looking after your mates. It is only fitting that the bronze statue of an Aussie Digger standing sentry on Anzac Bridge, keeps an eye on his Kiwi counterpart on the opposite side.

The New Zealand soldier is 2cm taller than his counterpart and also eight years younger. He was winched into position in time for Anzac Day in 2008. The sculptor Alan Somerville said the height difference is because the trans-Tasman Digger (NZ) is wearing the traditional “lemon-squeezer” headwear, while the Australian has the famous slouch hat.

Interestingly, inside the plinth on which the Kiwi Digger stands, is a jar of sand from the shores of Gallipoli.

It is said “When the statue is placed on its plinth, it will be angled so that the Digger faces the setting sun, while the Kiwi will greet the dawn.” The Daily Telegraph of April 16, 2008 had an article about the unveiling of the New Zealand soldier. Thanks to the Daily Telegraph for the photo of the Australian soldier (on the left).

The Anzac Bridge

The ANZAC Bridge, formally known as the Glebe Island Bridge, was completed in 1996. With a span of 345 metres, it is the longest cable-stayed bridge in Australia. The Anzac Bridge is an eight-lane cable-stayed bridge that carries cars along the Western Distributor (A4). It crosses Johnstons Bay between Pyrmont and Glebe Island (part of the suburb of Rozelle), on the western fringe of the Sydney CBD.

The bridge was opened to traffic on 3 December 1995 as the Glebe Island Bridge.

However, the Anzac Bridge was given its current name on Remembrance Day in 1998. It is to honour the memory of the soldiers of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (known as Anzacs) who served in World War I. Now, ANZAC Day includes soldiers of all wars. An Australian Flag flies atop the eastern pylon and a New Zealand Flag flies atop the western pylon. On Anzac Day in 2000, a bronze memorial statue of an Australian Anzac soldier (“digger”) holding a Lee–Enfield rifle in the “rest on arms reverse” drill position, was placed on the western end of the bridge. A statue of a New Zealand soldier was added to a plinth across the road from the Australian Digger. He is facing towards the east, and was unveiled by Prime Minister of New Zealand Helen Clark on Sunday 27 April 2008.

Thanks to for the information.

Harley and trike tours over the Anzac Bridge

ANZAC BRIDGE SYDNEY – in memory of ANZACS – we can take you over the Anzac Bridge on our Harley and trike tours. Our 3 Bridges will take you over the wonderful Anzac Bridge. Or, we can adapt another tour or design a completely new tour to take you over the Anzac Bridge. It’s our favourite bridge of Sydney.

The Australian Digger on the left is looking towards the setting sun. The New Zealand soldier on the right is looking towards the rising sun.

We are still open for business – Gift Vouchers. These certainly are difficult times for everyone. Almost every business is suffering to some degree. and we are no exception. The tour and travel industry is basically non-existant now. As you would imagine, we are not legally allowed to take people on Harley tours or rides anymore, this includes the trikes.

A Gift Voucher will give hope for the future!

Gift Voucher

However, our office is still open. If you are wondering what to give someone for their birthday, or for Mother’s Day next month, we can organise a Gift Voucher for you. The best way would be for us to email it but we can also print it and post it if you’d prefer.

We will extend the expiry date

For Gift Vouchers bought during this COVID19 pandemic, we will extend the expiry date for 3 years. This should give peace of mind that it will be used. If, for some reason the virus is still around in 3 years we will refund your payment in full.

A Gift Voucher in these uncertain times, will give hope. It will show that there is something to look forward to. One day life will get back to normal. We intend to weather this virus storm out and be here to put smiles back on the faces of our passengers.

Our Harley and trike tours are definitely the best

Our Harley and trike tours are definitely the best way to see the sights and sites of Sydney. Whether for 1 hour or 4 hours, or longer, we know you will have a lot of fun and see some interesting and iconic nature, beaches and buildings.

An interesting fact about Sydney Harbour

Here is an interesting fact about Sydney Harbour. The harbour is a drowned river estuary carved out of the sandstone about 29 million years ago. The sea level rose about 17,000 years ago flooding the river and creating the harbour. Around the world, it really is hard to think of a more beautiful harbour than Sydney Harbour.

So, we are still open for business – Gift Vouchers. Contact us today to organise one.

Sydney Harbour Harley tours
We are still open for business – Gift Vouchers

To all our passengers who have written reviews – a huge big thank you. TripAdvisor has rewarded us with the Certificate of Excellence 2019.

We are proud of the experiences we provide to our passengers. For instance, these reviews show we are fun to ride with. Most importantly, we are safe and professional. Also, we accredited with the NSW Government.

Moreover, we can take you to all the best places in Sydney. We know places even locals have never been to before. Places locals never knew existed. We will take you to areas with beautiful views, in and around Sydney.

In addition, we also do tours around the greater Sydney area. The Blue Mountains is a great ride. Similarly, another good ride with beautiful scenery, is through the Royal National Park.

Compliments we read in our reviews – on emails, reviews and our FB page as well – a great experience, fun, entertaining, safe, professional, the best!

In conclusion, it is well worth booking a trike or Harley ride with us. ?
For over 13 years, we have been giving people a great experience. It is encouraging for us to receive The Certificate of Excellence 2019. To keep on doing what we are doing.

Since 2011, the Certificate of Excellence honors hospitality businesses. The businesses must deliver consistently great service. This designation is presented to approximately 10% of total businesses on TripAdvisor. Ones that have consistently achieved great reviews over the past year. There is no application process. The achievement is earned over time.


To qualify for a Certificate of Excellence, an experience (like Troll Tours) must:

  • Maintain an overall TripAdvisor rating of at least four out of five
  • Have a minimum number of reviews
  • Have been listed on TripAdvisor for at least twelve months. A business must be listed for the full 12-month qualifying period. Recipients are announced only once a year, in late May.

TripAdvisor says: to determine Certificate of Excellence recipients, we use a variety of user-generated content. We use an algorithm that primarily takes into account the quality, quantity, and how recent the user reviews are.

Harley rides in a Sydney winter with Troll Tours are still so much fun. On a clear crisp winter’s day, Sydney still looks beautiful. A Harley ride is still a great experience, just dress warmly and we provide jackets.

We can take you on a tour around all the areas of Sydney that we go to in summer. No part of Sydney is seasonal, we don’t get snow but sometimes we do get a lot of rain. If you book we can postpone to a fine day, or if there is no time left, we will refund (conditions apply).

Some interesting facts about Sydney

One Sydharbis an official Australian unit of measurement. It is used to measure volume and is equivalent to 500 gigalitres, the volume of water in Sydney Harbour. It is a large body of water but it is so beautiful. We know the many angles which are worth a look from.

Over 586 species of fish are found in Sydney Harbour, which is more than you would find off the coast of the United Kingdom. You should avoid eating any fish caught west of the Sydney Harbour Bridge and limit your weekly intake to 150g of anything caught east of the bridge. This is due to the high levels of dioxins recorded in the flesh of harbour fish.

Harley rides in a Sydney winter

Doing Harley rides in a Sydney winter with Troll Tours works well. Generally there are less tourists around which means less traffic. If you do a longer tour, we can stop for a ‘coffee’ break. Another suggestion, we can pick you up sometime during the morning and drop you off somewhere afterwards for lunch.

You won’t see all these people! ? Sydney has a population of 5,230,330 (2018). This is 20.93% of the total population of Australia. The inner city measures 25 square kilometres (10 square miles), the Greater Sydney region covers 12,367 square kilometres (4,775 square miles), and the city’s urban area is 1,687 square kilometres (651 square miles) in size.

We have only just found out about the attempted assassination at Clontarf Beach, although we have lived in Sydney all our life. Clontarf Beach can be included as part of your ride. Our North Shore Skimmer takes you past it on the Spit Bridge. If you would like to ride to the beach just let us know when you book. Otherwise, we can design a ride especially for you.

Prince Alfred, the Duke of Edinburgh

On 12 March 1868 Prince Alfred was guest of honour here at a sailor’s picnic. He was the Duke of Edinburgh and second son of Queen Victoria.

Attempted assassination at Clontarf Beach

Dublin-born Henry James O’Farrell jumped out of the crowd of picnickers, shooting the Duke in the back. The Duke’s rubber suspenders deflected the bullet, sparing him major injury.

Guilty, O’Farrell was hanged a month later, despite the Duke seeking clemency on his behalf. In the interim, the Irish O’Farrell was quick to air his anti-British and anti-monarchism views.

Sydneysiders were even quicker to fuel existing anti-Irish sentiment. The NSW Government even passed the Treason Felony Act. This made it an offence to refuse to drink to the Queen’s health.

The Duke and the British monarchy were hugely popular in Australia at this time. The Duke had arrived by ship three months earlier. Nearly ten thousand Sydney-siders came out to welcome him in the pouring rain. This was ten per cent of the city’s 100 thousand population.

Royal Prince Alfred Hospital

After the assassination attempt, citizens donated money for a “substantial monument. It showed the heartfelt gratitude of the community at the recovery of HRH”. Hence the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital in Sydney’s inner west was built in 1882.

Attempted assassination at Clontarf Beach is a real mystery to Sydneysiders. Our North Shore Skimmer Tour will take you past Clontarf Beach. If you’d like to actually visit it, let us know so we can ride you to it.

Thanks to Sydney Coastal Walks for this information. Read more about the assassination attempt and the area here: