disability mini trike rides – Two Shoes 06.10.24

Every year we do disability mini trike rides for this group. This group has experienced our rides every year for many years. They all love it – the passengers and the carers. Our trike rider meets them at Davidson Park, on the north shore of Sydney.

The group that organises this with us, is Two Shoes. It is a social network that specialises in providing challenging recreation activities. These are for groups of young adults with disabilities. Two of the young ladies had cerebral palsy but we managed to get them onto the trike easily enough.

Davidson Park, Roseville

Firstly, we meet at Davidson Park, Roseville (a northern suburb of Sydney), at the prearranged time. Usually, the rider takes three passengers at a time, a carer and two young adults, or two carers and one young adult. The idea is to give them all roughly a 20 minute ride around the area.

Next, he rides with the passengers from Davidson Park which is under the Roseville Bridge. Secondly, the route was through the back streets of Forestville and Killarney Heights. Though by then, time was nearly up for that group. This meant they turned south and rode back to Davidson Park. Fred would then pick up the next group and take them on the route. And so on. Already, the disability mini trike rides was a huge success!

Information about the area

The Roseville Bridge is a pre-stressed concrete box girder road bridge. Located adjacent to the suburb of Roseville, in Sydney. Davidson Park is underneath the Roseville Bridge and within Garigal National Park. The Garigal National Park is a protected national park. It is located within the North Shore and Forest District regions of Sydney. At 2,202-hectare (5,440-acre) in size, the national park is quite small but important. Moreover, it is situated just 20 kilometres (12 mi) north of the Sydney CBD.

Original peoples

The word Garigal is a derivation of the word Carigal or Caregal. Importantly, this is used to describe the indigenous people who lived in Guringai country. Interestingly, it is translated in modern English as Ku-ring-gai.

Guringai people are the traditional custodians of the land now reserved as the Garigal National Park. In addition, there is considerable evidence of past Aboriginal activity in the area. Over 100 Aboriginal sites recorded to date. These include shelters, cave art, rock engravings, middens, grinding grooves and a possible stone arrangement.

However, the 3 hours was up so soon but all the passengers had a ride (or two). In conclusion, the disability mini trike rides were a success – yet again! We look forward to taking them again next year.

Design your own ride!