Harley tour lower Blue Mountains – Louise 18.07.20

Harley tour lower Blue Mountains testimony:
“She had a great time, thanks. The rider did a great job and a nice guy too.
Thanks again.”

Louise loves Harleys but had never been on one. So, her partner Anthony decided to buy her a tour to realise her dream. He organised for her to do the Harley tour lower Blue Mountains with us. Well, actually, neither Anthony or Louise minded where she went. Our Harley rider Wayne, turned up at their house in Penrith at the organised time. They discussed the route, Wayne also lives in the Penrith area so he knows it well.

Springwood Lookout

Firstly, they joined and rode along the Western Motorway. This took them into the lower Blue Mountains. They rode through suburbs such as Glenbrook, Blaxland and Warrimoo. At Valley Heights they turned off the motorway and rode through Winmalee to the Hawkesbury Lookout, also known as Hawkesbury Heights Lookout. Locals also know it as the Springwood Lookout. In other words, it has many names. Stopping for a stretch and a look at the beautiful view, Harley tour lower Blue Mountains or any tour, shows the best sights. Hawkesbury Lookout is in the Yellomundee Regional Park. Hawkesbury Heights offers a spectacular lookout with views over the Nepean River to the Penrith International Regatta Centre, the vast plains to Sydney and the bushland below.


Next, it was north and east to Yarramundi. The suburb is named after Yarramundi, an Indigenous Australian of the Boorooberongal clan of the Darug people. He was a garadyi or ‘doctor’ and was called by Europeans ‘the chief of the Richmond Tribe’. This area was previously known as Kearns Retreat.

Riding further east, they then turned onto Castlereagh Road. However, the 1.5 hours was almost up so Wayne and Louise headed into Penrith and back to her home, the drop off point. In conclusion, the Harley tour lower Blue Mountains was a real success. Louise has finally been on a Harley – and loved it.