Barbara 06.07.19 – surprise Harley tour Sydney
The surprise Harley tour Sydney was organised by Barb’s cousin and wife. Barb is visiting them from South Africa and they know she loves Harleys. Barb rides a bike back home and she loves the sound of Harleys.
Jungle turned up at their place in the inner west of Sydney. Brian and his wife met Jungle out the front and asked him to go up to the house, knock on the door and yell out her name.
Barb came to the door and Jungle said “Happy birthday, your ride has arrived”. Jungle said he’s never seen a jaw drop so far. ?
Firstly they rode over the wonderful ANZAC Bridge, it’s probably our favourite Sydney bridge. Next, was the fly over and onto the iconic Sydney Harbour Bridge. Look up to see the arches without anything blocking your view!
Sydney Harbour and Opera House
After that they stopped at Kirribilli for photos. There is a beautiful view across Sydney Harbour to the Sydney Opera House and the city. Also, you will see a different perspective to the Harbour Bridge.
Continuing on, they rode down the Pacific Highway and along River Road to the Fig Tree Bridge. They rode under it to have a look at the Lane Cover River. Back onto Burns Bay Road and over the Tarban Creek Bridge and yet another bridge – the Gladesville Bridge.
The Gladesville Bridge and Callan Park
The Gladesville Bridge has wonderful views looking east towards the Sydney Harbour Bridge and the city. Travelling along Victoria Road, a main thoroughfare they turned off at Callan Park. It is a beautiful area that used to be The Callan Park Hospital for the Insane. It is now a heritage-listed former insane asylum and a college campus.
Finally, they rode past Orange Grove Organic Markets. They are extremely popular with people all over Sydney because of the quality and variety. However, time was up so Jungle dropped her back home. In conclusion, this was a fantastic surprise Harley tour Sydney. A great present and a memorable experience. Don’t forget, we can take you on a trike tour if your aren’t confident about going on a Harley.
There are so many great places to visit in Australia. After the adventure of a lifetime with us, have a look here for some other ideas. (sounds like a sponsored link but it’s not. It’s just interesting). ?