Dorothy + Heather 10.12.17 – Harley ride bucket list
Our passengers both had a Harley ride bucket list and also promised their grandkids they’d go on a Harley ride while in Australia. They were from England, near London, here for the cricket.
Heather went first, Jungle rode her over the Harbour Bridge, checked out Luna Park and back.
Then it was Dorothy’s turn, they went over the Bridge but this time had more time so checked out Blues Point. She was so impressed, Dorothy said another ticked off the list. She had been planning a Harley ride from England and said if she knew she would love it so much she would have given the cruise on the harbour a miss for a longer Harley ride. Another Harley ride bucket list ticked off!

Dorothy + Heather 10.12.17 – Harley ride bucket list

Dorothy + Heather 10.12.17 – Harley ride bucket list

Dorothy + Heather 10.12.17 – Harley ride bucket list

Dorothy + Heather 10.12.17 – Harley ride bucket list