Andrew + Annake 06.12.17 – 50th birthday present tour

Hi Katrina,
It went exceptionally well and I have to say my prayers were answered – windy bit no rain! The clouds made for a dramatic backdrop! Andrew smiled like a Cheshire cat all the while, it was his first time on a bike, but he said that he now gets my fascination with motorbikes 😉 Steve was a very good guide, he obviously knows his routes and managed to carve out the best of Sydney in a very short time – a day to remember and according to Andrew “his best birthday ever”
Both Andrew and I are ok to post on SM.
Annake did a ride with her Mum a few years ago and they loved it so much, she organised a 50th birthday present tour for her boyfriend. Steve picked them up from their accommodation and took them for a tour over the Sydney Harbour Bridge, to Woolloomooloo, along the Eastern Suburbs to Bondi Beach. They came back via the city and The Royal Botanical Gardens. They stopped at Mrs Macquarie’s Chair for birthday cake and a glass of bubbly to celebrate a milestone birthday. This was definitely up there on the list of ways to celebrate a 50th birthday present tour!